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How to Refinance a Commercial Mortgage?

In the current economic status, so many people are refinancing their commercial mortgages. This is because businesses or commercial entities see it as an avenue to clear their current loan and get some financial freedom while others see it as a chance to inject the money into new projects that will probably generate additional cash. Either way, here are some details that you need to know when refinancing your mortgage.

How does it work?

Understanding how commercial mortgage refinancing works is very easy. It is all about lessening the stress involved by servicing the current loan than taking another loan to either use as capital for a new venture or to increase the productivity of the current business. You get to enjoy numerous advantages, but then it comes with its own set of disadvantages. This is why you need to understand the process adequately. You need to be absolutely sure that it won’t be inconvenient to whatever you are doing. Some of the pros and cons you may face include.


  • You stand a chance to get a much lower interest rate. This will give your business enough breathing space since you will be making much smaller repayments.
  • It is the best way to access the capital needed to kick start a business venture that was tied up in the process. You also get to finance the current business so that you can be able to increase its productivity.
  • Commercial mortgage refinancing allows you to restructure your arrangement so that it may conform to the numerous changes in the economy and also synchronize best with the current operation of your business which obviously has changed throughout the years.


  • The process can be costlier. One, you have to pay your initial balance in full. Two, you will incur a fine since you are clearing your loan earlier than agreed.
  • You may end up paying more money for longer periods of time. This is because the more time you are given, the more accumulative interest you will pay.

What is the impact of commercial mortgage refinancing?

The impact of refinancing your mortgage is strictly tied to the end result of your financial situation. The agreement you make with the new lender has everything to do with whether you will enjoy the new deal or whether you will have a hard time adjusting to the repayment terms. The first scenario is that you may and up paying the money longer and thus increasing chances of paying more than is necessary or the other impact is that it may give you financial freedom with just a little interest to pay to give you the breathing room you really need.

Examine your current mortgage (what to examine)

Your current mortgage should be placed under scrutiny to determine whether you are on track. You may end up noticing that you have missed some couple repayments. This won’t hinder you from getting your mortgage refinanced, but it means that it will end up being much expensive. You need to put every aspect into consideration before proceeding to the next step. Your current mortgages’ agreement should not sync well with how your business is operating. This is because refinancing your mortgage will give you the repayment freedom you are seeking.

Reasons that should make someone refinance or not

There are a number of reasons that should linger in your mind to convince you or dissuade you from refinancing your mortgage. Some include:

  • Will it increase your cash flow? You need to know that you will get enough money to update your business with things such as equipment, office furniture, and other valuable assets. This way you can increase productivity and make repayment of the mortgage easier.
  • This is a decision some of the most successful investors have made to and up in their current status. It may be the best way to level up with such investors.
  • You can and up multiplying your wealth, for instance; you can get the cash and purchase another property which will definitely be a great achievement. The deal may not be better than your current mortgage repayment plan in the long run, and that means that you need to reconsider refinancing.
  • Paying your current mortgage may end up being cheaper than refinancing. What this tells you is that you should stick to your current mortgage.

Qualities you should seek in a commercial mortgage lender

There are numerous necessities that you should look for in lender before picking them to be your financer — having knowledge about the lender whether a union, a bank or a person will give you the right idea of what to expect. For example, the lender should be conversant with the refinancing process especially when it comes to commercial properties. Also, get to know what their mortgage policy is. Get all the relevant details right; this is so as to avoid any misunderstanding. If you are not sure about something, you are free to ask.

What documents to prepare

Once you have the above information, you need to get the required documents ready. This includes tax returns, audits, company financials and your business plan if requested. You should also get a personal guarantee of for the loan.

Appraisal value. Check the condition of the property; it is advisable to hire a professional to determine its worth. If you find out that it has depreciated, get more equity to raise its appraisal value. This will serve you best in the long run.

Use a commercial mortgage calculator to understand payment

Get a calculator or use our business commercial mortgage calculator to get the exact numbers about the refinancing plan. You may even go ahead and get a financial team so that you may understand better. Ask them to come up with a comparison of your current payment and your refinance mortgage. Or check out the current commercial mortgage rates.

In conclusion

Refinancing the mortgage of your commercial property is a very critical step to take. You need to make sure you consider all the above details if at all you want to end up on the safe side of the whole process. It is not as easy as most people think and also it is not always the right move to make. Going through the above steps will give you enough clarity needed to make the process a success.

If you need more help and would like to speak to a commercial mortgage expert then feel free to contact us for more information. Or you may enjoy our article about what commercial mortgage providers have to offer you.