Swap Mortgage

Current 5,7,& 10 year Swap Rates, Treasuries, and Libor

Current1 Day Ago1 Month Ago1 Year Ago
1 Month Term
US Treasuries
5 Year
7 Year
10 Year

Here you can find current 5, 7, & 10 year swap rates, treasuries, and current Libor rates. These are the most common index rates used when pricing commercial real estate financing. When quoting a loan rate to you, a lender will most likely quote a “spread” over one of these index rates.

Below are a couple examples to illustrate how you would calculate a potential loans coupon, using spreads and swap rates, treasuries, or Libor.

  • If you are quoting a 10 year fixed rate loan and a 200 spread over the 10 year swap, you would add 2.00% to the 10 year swap rate to arrive at your coupon as of today.
  • If you are quoting a 7 year fixed deal, and given a 175 spread over the 7 year swap, you would add 1.75% to the 7 year swap rate to get the current rate.
  • If you are quoting a bridge loan, that is 350 over 1 month Libor, you would add 3.50% to the 30 day Libor rate. Keep in mind that these deals will most likely be floating rate products and you will most likely buy an interest rate cap.

These rates are the primary benchmark pricing index for the majority of commercial real estate loans. Products such as CMBS, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, life insurance loans, and many bank loans price their interest rates using 5, 7, or 10 year swap rates. Some lenders will price over treasuries rates, however swaps are used much more often. Libor rates are primarily used in floating rate loans and you will see them commonly in bridge financing. Typically 1 month Libor is used to price bridge loans.

It’s more difficult to qualify for commercial banks because banks usually require a higher credit score for a commercial loan. If your business has been operating under a different name, this can be tricky to prove.

The time it takes to complete the process of applying and qualifying can be long.

It’s also important to pay close attention to the “points” that accompany the loan as well as what you’ll owe in closing costs

Commercial refinance lenders may be more likely to provide a commercial mortgage than a homeowner, and they’re often easier to qualify for. With Commercial mortgages you can generally lower your interest rates and monthly costs by about 15%. These loans are also cheaper to the lenders themselves since the risks of default are much less. Scalability is another aspect that many small businesses dream of. Most commercial loans offer terms as long as 30 years so if you start slowly but have big plans, this might help you out.

The following are four types of commercial property refinance loans. This is not an exclusive list, and other options include CRE refinance options for small business loans such as an SBA 504 refinance loan not found here. Other options include secured business loans.

Get A Commercial Mortgage Refinance With Clopton

Commercial mortgage refinance is a process by which the interest rate on a commercial loan is reduced. Contact Us – 866-647-1650

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