Mobile Home Park

On several occasions, mobile home parks have been useful to several homeowners. As a residential area either designed as manufactured homes or trailer homes, it provides land and utility hook-ups for different people. Indeed, it is an actively growing industry with a good potential of raking thousands to millions of dollars every year. Mobile home parks offer affordable housing with state-of-the-art amenities; however, they are high risk like every other business venture. Hence, mobile home park insurance is a necessity to ensure this investment is protected at all costs.

Our Services

Many times, insurance companies find it challenging to offer coverage options, especially to mobile home park owners. The reason is that the owners aren’t responsible for so much, except covering common areas, landscaping, and utility service lines. They do rent land to manufactured homeowners; however, they aren’t responsible for covering the home or its content. Therefore, it may be challenging to find a broker who would show interest in these little yet significant coverages.

Due to many brokers’ unavailability in this specific insurance program, we have taken it upon ourselves to deliver. We help protect your mobile home park business from liability lawsuits with different coverage options. Our services go thus:

Auto Liability Insurance

We provide insurance coverage on automobiles owned by a mobile home park company for safety. It is liability coverage to take care of damages or situations the company-owned vehicles may cause or encounter. Likewise, we added the for-hire or non-owned auto coverage if the company doesn’t have a vehicle and employees have to use theirs for work-related tasks. Our Auto Liability Insurance is reasonable because it protects the company from any liability lawsuits that could be brought forward between the company and automobiles.

Employee Practices Liability Insurance

What would you do if a former or current employee takes legal actions by suing the mobile home park company for whatever reasons? The lawsuit could cost you so much, including the company’s reputation, especially in cases of perceived discrimination, wrongful work/contract termination, harassment, etc. If you have an Employee Practices Liability Insurance, you may never have to worry much about any allegations leveled against you by an employee. We offer this coverage option because this problem is quite inevitable in business organizations.

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

While there is one for employees, there is another for the management. The Directors and Officers Liability Insurance is a coverage option aimed at protecting the business itself. In a situation where mobile homeowners take action or sue the mobile home park for discriminatory practices (such as race, religion, or sexual discrimination), we offer this coverage so you won’t lose your business in the feat. Like the employee’s practices liability insurance, it is a standard policy incorporated into the business against liability lawsuits.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

The welfare of every worker in a mobile home park business is essential. We see that every worker is treated under this Workers’ Compensation Insurance so that the business will be protected from any liability lawsuit caused by occupational hazards. There is a good chance that workers will be injured from the job; thus, it is the company’s responsibility to see medical expenses and paid time off when that happens. Without incorporating this policy and the absence of this insurance coverage, such a company may face lawsuits and, ultimately, business debts.
What Properties Can You Insure In Mobile Home Park?

A mobile home park owner must understand that they are responsible for every amenity provided not to face unnecessary lawsuits. Some of the properties that can be insured include;

  • Office Buildings with Contents
  • Electrical Distribution Tools and Equipment
  • Fencings and Sign Posts
  • Property Homes either owned or leased
  • Underground Utility Lines
  • Roads and Walkways
  • Utility Pedestals
  • Home Appliances

If you don’t insure most of these things, you could be held responsible later. For instance, damage caused by faulty sewage or drain is yours to bear; if you don’t get insurance on them, you could be spending more than you bargained.


Why Do You Have to Insure With Us?

Standard Commercial Insurance and Mobile Home Park Insurance Policies are alike, yet different in many aspects. For one, the former doesn’t cover unique properties, which means there is a lot to do for mobile homeowners. Moreover, mobile home parks are high-risk because it accommodates different people – a large number, every year; thus, you should expect increased liability lawsuits. It gets even worse if you have sensitive amenities like a swimming pool, playground, or a facility that houses pets.

We wouldn’t like you to insure with us because we want you to; you should because you will be doing yourself a great deal of good. Mobile Home Park Insurance is essential if you don’t want to bear losses from the business. Give us a call today, and let’s protect your business together.